Written by 15:49 Cats

Understanding Cat Kneading: 10 Possible Reasons Explained

Why do Cats kneads

Hey, cat lovers. As a cat owner you’ve likely witnessed your sweet feline making biscuits; this Why Do Cats Knead motion is often accompanied by purring, nuzzling, and maybe even suckling on a blanket or other material there’s another name for this phenomenon, smuggling, but whatever you call it. It is an instinctive trait that most cats learn at a very young age. There are a variety of reasons that your cat may need since they can’t speak, this is a way that they can communicate a range of emotions to you as well as other felines.

Why Do Cats Knead?

Why Do Cats Knead
Image source: Pexels

Kneading behavior occurs when cats push their paws down on soft surfaces, just like kneading the dough before placing it into the oven. Some cats have been seen using their claws, and others haven’t. As per the most shared theory, kneading makes them feel good. When you see them practicing this behavior, it means they are looking for contentment.

Possible Reasons for Cat Kneading

Cats are incredibly intelligent and instinctual creatures. To tell what exactly are they trying to communicate? You will need to watch their body language; for example, do they seem relaxed or tense, sleepy or alert? As always, we are truly overjoyed with your love and support for our feline friends and if you’re new here. So that cats can continue to rule the Internet, now it’s time to answer the age-old question: why does my cat need Here are ten possible reasons.

1. Nursing or Recently Weaned

Your cat is nursing or recently stopped nursing, first and foremost, kneading is actually a leftover weaning behavior and is commonly seen in cats who were weaned too soon from their mothers. When kittens are nursing, they need their mother’s breast to get more milk. This is where a kitten learns to associate that motion with comfort; this motion helps promote milk production in adult female cats who just gave birth, so kittens who are looking for either comfort or food will suckle on Mom and begin kneading. 

If your cat is still within nursing age, they will likely use the motion anytime they are seeking to feel soothed.  Which is often when they are a baby, this behavior will also often stay with kittens even after they’ve weaned, it may continue as a soothing behavior as they grow older kneading simply helps them regulate their emotions and feel comforted after all who wouldn’t feel comforted from pretending to make little biscuits.

2. Seeking Comfort

Your cat is seeking comfort even past nursing age, and cats will often revert to the kneading motion when they are trying to soothe or comfort themselves, they may begin making biscuits on a pillow or blanket or even read on their owner; there are two main circumstances under which a cat may use kneading for comfort. First of all, they may already feel content and want to convey that they feel safe. The second reason that your cat may need comfort is if they are feeling stressed in this case.

Why Do Cats Knead
Image source: Catit

They also may be needed to soothe themselves and find a sense of inner peace, so if you notice that your cat has been on high alert and then they begin to knead. This may be the reason why, as a side note. If your cat is often stressed, it’s time to take them to the veterinarian as soon as possible. This way, your vet can determine if any underlying problems need to be addressed.

3. Creating a Safe Place to Sleep

Your cat is trying to create a safe place to sleep. This is probably one of the most common reasons that you will notice your cat making biscuits; quite often, a cat will knead for a bit before settling in for a nap well, just as you or I like to prepare our bed before we are ready to go to sleep, so does your cat kneading can actually help them create a soft, safe resting place, a behavior that could span back to their ancestors, who likely needed to actually use this technique to create soft beds out of tall grass and other elements. This reason is similar to why dogs circle around before settling into a spot.

4. Marking Territory

Your cat wants to mark their territory. Cats are very scent-driven and territorial. This means that they often mark their territory by leaving their scent in certain areas so that other cats know to stay away from their paws. Cats have glands that are activated when they begin to knead. Which leaves a strong deposit of their scent when they’re done. This is a common reason that cats will need their owners to mark what is theirs. 

Don’t you feel special now? Even if you don’t have other cats. You may find that your feline is using this kneading technique as a way to make sure that even humans know what belongs to them. Remember, your cat generally operates out of instinct, so while it may not be necessary, given their domestic circumstances, it still makes sense to them.

5. Showing Affection

Your cat wants to show affection. This next reason is the most heartwarming one for any cat owner. You may have noticed a variety of behaviors when your cat shows affection, and many of them involve lots of cuddling. It turns out that in the wild, kneading is how cats let each other know that they care how adorable it is, so if your cat needs you and rubs their head against you, they are just letting you know that they love you if your cat needs on you make sure to show them. 

Why Do Cats Knead

The same amount of affection back; rub. Their heads and their backs to show them that they are safe with you. Since this is how cats can communicate, this is a great way to let them know you understand what they are trying to tell you and that you feel the same way. This is also a great way to strengthen the bond with your cat.

6. Stretching Muscles

Your cat wants to stretch their muscles. You probably know that relieving feeling of a good stretch after feeling stiff, so it should be no surprise that her feline friends love to stretch, too. It’s no secret that cats spend the majority of their day napping, so when they wake up they tend to stretch in all sorts of positions to work out any kinks in their muscles. Needing their paws can help them stretch several parts of their body by grabbing hold of something and pulling. This ensures that they are feeling nice and agile for their next adventure.

7. Looking for a Mate

Your cat is looking for a mate, although this may sound surprising making biscuits can also be a tactic for female cats in search of a mate just to be clear, this is not the behavior they exhibit when they are ready to mate. Rather, it is something they’ll do beforehand to let male cats know that they are single and ready to mingle, so if you have a female feline who is exposed to males.

This may be another reason she enjoys making biscuits as a PSA if you haven’t already considered spaying or neutering your cats. Doing so will prevent unwanted mating behaviors and unexpected kittens spaying and neutering can also help prevent certain diseases if the cost is a concern, you can ask your local shelter or veterinarian. If there are any low-cost spay or neuter programs in your area.

8. Remembering Kittenhood

Your cat is remembering kittenhood. This is a theory that is based on more recent research. Some studies suggest that your cat remembers as far back as kittenhood. It is thought that once your cat reaches adulthood, they may still use these memories of nursing at a young age to calm down and feel a sense of security. Since kneading is primarily a nursing behavior, their memories instinctually trigger this motion. In other words, some cats might associate needing the comfort that mama cats once gave them.

9. Expressing Happiness

Your cat is happy. Sometimes, your cat may be looking for comfort, but other times, they’ve already found it. It isn’t uncommon for our feline friends. To begin making biscuits when they feel. There are plenty of reasons why your cat might be happy. Maybe they have just finished eating, and they’re feeling full and satisfied, or perhaps they are simply comforted by your presence. Either way, they are letting you know that they feel great in their current situation with love and a cozy spot to cuddle. Wouldn’t you feel happy, too?

10. Need for Nail Maintenance

Your cat needs their nails trimmed in nature; cats will naturally trim their nails using hard surfaces, sometimes rather than scratching your cat, will need certain materials when they feel that their nails have gotten too long. This might present an issue, especially if they need you in order to prevent damaging your house or your own skin: make sure to keep your cat’s nails trimmed and rounded so they can’t sink their sharp claws into anything that they shouldn’t be you might also try giving your cat a special kneading blanket so that they have a safe and secure place where they can engage in this activity without getting into trouble.

It is important that even if your cat’s nails are sharp, they have a safe place for making biscuits since this is such an instinctive part of their nature overall. kneading is completely normal and primarily instinctual. It is not a practice that needs to be discouraged, and honestly, it would be hard to stop them even if you tried making biscuits is hardwired into your cat’s nature, the next time you see your cat, you need to try to use this list to figure out what your feline friend might be trying to tell if you pay close attention to your cat’s body language.

Can I Stop My Cat From Kneading?

Image source: be chewy

Well, kneading is a natural behavior for cats, so you shouldn’t try to stop. Kneading can be pretty painful if your cat has long, sharp claws. You can only ensure to prevent scratching around the house like scratch mats, scratch posts, or cat trees. Clip their claws short and trim. If the cat is kneading on soft furnishings and causing damage, you can try redirecting the behavior to knead anywhere else. 

Wrap Up

These are the few reasons which you should understand in detail. Ensure your kitten has done a manicure and has no signs of stress. Being a furry owner, you all need to know the underlying health conditions that could worsen your overall health. Let them enjoy it, and try rewarding your cat for kneading on surfaces other than your lap. Do let us know if this information is helpful for your cat’s kneading behavior or not. 

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