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Can Goats Eat Mint? Exploring Their Dietary Preferences and Benefits

can goat eat mint

Regarding feeding goats, providing a well-balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs is essential. While goats are known for grazing on various plants, keep in mind that not all the vegetation is suitable for them. Here, we are discussing mint, a plant with dark green leaves, but it raises several questions about whether we need to feed this to goats. Here, we will look into this in detail to understand whether goats can eat mint or what considerations we should consider. 

What Do Goats Like to Eat?

Goats always want to have a variety of plants regarding their food choices. Providing a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs is essential. Here are some of the common foods that goats enjoy:

  • Goats are natural grazers and thrive on a diet of fresh grass. They enjoy nibbling on pasture grasses, such as fescue and Bermuda grass. High-quality hay is essential in their diet. 
  • Goats are browsers and relish the leaves, twigs, and branches of various shrubs and trees. They enjoy browsing plants like blackberry bushes, raspberry brushes, and willow trees. 
  • They can enjoy veggies and fruits in moderation. Some popular choices include carrots, cabbage, lettuce, pumpkin, apples, pears, and watermelon. It’s important to remember that fruits high in sugar shouldn’t be given more than a treat. 
  • Goats can benefit from small amounts of grains and concentrate as part of their diet. They may include grains like oats, barley, corn, and commercially available goat feeds. 

Health Benefits of Mints to Goats

Mints can provide certain health benefits when incorporated into a goat diet in moderation. Here are the following health benefits your goats could enjoy.

  • Fiber
  • Protein
  • Vitamin C, Vitamin A
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Copper and Manganese

Is Mint Good For Goats?

Yes, mints are suitable for goats to eat. They contain certain beneficial nutrients, including vitamins A and C, and minerals, such as calcium and iron. A goat’s diet should be filled with fiber, which they will get from the hay and forage they eat. Mint is an excellent source of antioxidants that prevent the formation of free radicals in goat’s cells, which slowly damage over time. 

It has been seen that mint is a good source of healthy vitamins such as potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and others. Minerals are good for a variety of functions in the body because of everything from the functioning of the immune system to the strength of muscles and bones. There are plenty of benefits to feeding your goats mint. 

How To Introduce Mint To Goats?

Well, introducing mint to goats should be done gradually and with pet care observation to ensure their health and well-being. Here are some steps to follow while introducing mint to goats. 

Start with small quantities

Offering a small amount of fresh mint leaves to your goats. It’s best to start with a few leaves per goat to assess their response. 

Monitor Digestive Health

After introducing mint, closely observe your goats for any signs of digestive upsets, such as diarrhea or changes in appetite. If you notice any effects, discontinue feeding mint and consult with a veterinarian.

Offer clean and safe mint

Make sure clean and fresh mint should be given to your goats. Remember that mint is not treated with pesticides, herbicides or other chemicals that could harm your health. Avoid wilted or spoiled leaves as they cause digestive issues. 

Mix with other food

You can prevent overconsumption of mint by mixing it with food. The goats will have a variety of flavors and textures in their diet. It’s up to you to mix with banana peel or oak leaves. 

Can Mints Cause Stomach Upset To Goats?

While mints are considered safe for goats when fed in moderation, they may cause upset stomachs in some cases. Here are a few factors that need to be considered regarding stomach upset in goats when consuming mints:

Cooling Effects

Mints, including peppermint and spearmint, have a cooling effect on the digestive system. This can be soothing for humans and may occasionally cause digestive upsets in goats, especially when they consume large quantities or have sensitive stomachs. 


Goats may have varying sensitivities to certain foods, while some goats tolerate mints. While some goats may tolerate mint, others may experience stomach upsets. 


Goats tend to overeat when they are given the opportunity. If goats have unlimited access to mints or can consume them in excessive quantities. It can lead to digestive issues such as diarrhea, bloating, or discomfort. 

Is It Safe For Goats To Eat Mint Branches?

Well, it is, and goats enjoy these branches of mint only when they are soft and fresh. You shouldn’t feed dried branches of mint to goats because they could cause great inconvenience during digestion.

Can Baby Goats Eat Mints?

If you think baby goats would enjoy the mint, the same as adult goats, then you are wrong because baby goats are not meant to eat mint. They could have digestion problems after consumption. Adult goats can consume and digest mints, but baby goats can’t do this. 

Goat Nutritions Diet Plans

Keep in mind that specific nutritional requirements may vary based on the goat’s age, weight, and purpose (e.g., dairy, meat, or pet). Consult with a veterinarian or livestock nutritionist for a customized plan

Food TypeQuantity per Goat per DayPurpose
Grass hay (e.g., Timothy, Bermuda)2-4 poundsFiber and roughage
Legume hay (e.g., Alfalfa)1-2 poundsProtein and energy
Grain mix (corn, oats, barley)0.5-1 poundEnergy
Commercial goat feedFollow label guidelinesBalanced nutrition
Mineral mixFree-choice accessMinerals and vitamins
SaltFree-choice accessSodium
Baking sodaFree-choice accessDigestive health
Leafy greens (kale, spinach)0.5-1 poundVitamins and minerals
Fruits (apples, carrots)Occasional treatVitamins and fiber
Fresh, clean waterAlways availableHydration

Food Avoid to Feed Goats

Some certain foods and plants should be prevented while feeding goats. It’s essential to be aware of potential hazards and prevent goats:

Toxic Plants

Numerous plants are toxic to goats. Some common examples include rhododendron, azalea, oleander, and certain lilies. It’s essential to be familiar with the plants in your area.


They contain a substance that can be toxic to goats and other livestock. It’s best to avoid feeding goats any part of the avocado plant, including fruit, leaves, and pits. 

Chocolate and Caffeine

These substances can be toxic to them and may cause symptoms like increased heart rate, tremors, and death. 

Processed Food

It’s essential to avoid feeding goats any processed foods. They include packets of artificial sweeteners, soft drinks, and candy bars. These items can contain harmful chemicals and additives that could be fatal for goat herds. 

Dairy Products

While goats are known for their milk production, it’s essential to avoid feeding them dairy products. Goats are lactose intolerant, and consuming dairy can lead to digestive upset and diarrhea. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Goats Eat Mint Leaves?

Fresh mint leaves are delicious and nutritious for goats and can be offered to your herd. 

Can Goats Eat Catnip?

It’s another great plant of the mint family that can be enjoyed by the whole herd and doesn’t need to be avoided. 

Can Goats Eat Lemon Balm?

Yes, lemon balm is another common garden species of the mint family that is safe for goats to browse. 

Final Thoughts

The large majority of mint plants are nutritional and beneficial to goats. Feed them plenty of hay for dietary fiber, grains for energy, fresh vegetables, and fruits for vitamins and minerals supplements for extra nutrition. Your goats will stay healthy and happy with the right combination of food and care. 

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